Welcome to ChemoPar-db

The Chemokine Partner database

ChemoPar-db is a user-friendly structural chemogenomics database that compiles chemokine structures from the Protein Data Bank and analyses molecular interactions using interaction fingerprints.


Sequence and Structure Alignments

Chemokine sequences are aligned to create a master reference sequence, enabling structural superimposition and precise sequence comparisons. This approach allows for easy comparison of different chemokine types, helping to identify structural determinants and understand the unique features of each chemokine complex.

Interaction fingerprints

To better understand the interactions between chemokines and their binding partners, we use interaction fingerprint (IFP) analysis of all chemokine-partner complexes. This generates a unique fingerprint per chemokine-partner complex and can be used to search for similar binding partners in our database.


Chemokines are small signaling proteins that play a crucial role in physiological processes. They act as scaffolding proteins by binding to a diverse set of partners, facilitating various cellular interactions.

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