Interactions for 4R9Y (chain B)

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K A G P H C P T A Q 30s-loop K N G R 40s-loop D L Q A 50s-loopN-term M S S A A G F C A S R P G L L F L G L L L L P L V V A F A S A E A E E D G D L Q C L C V K T T S Q V R P R H N-term I V E L S T I L I A T L L C I K P L Y K K I I K K L L E S
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Chemokine Residue Generic number Segment Partner Residue Partner Interaction Type
Asp 7 60 N-term VAL 13 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 14 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 14 Platelet factor 4 (D) Anionic
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 14 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Leu 8 61 N-term CYS 52 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Gln 9 62 N-term VAL 13 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Gln 9 62 N-term GLN 9 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Gln 9 62 N-term LEU 11 Platelet factor 4 (D) HBDonor
Gln 9 62 N-term LEU 11 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Gln 9 62 N-term TYR 26 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Cys 10 63 CX GLN 9 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Leu 11 66 CX LEU 8 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Leu 11 66 CX GLN 9 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Leu 11 66 CX LEU 11 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Leu 11 66 CX LEU 11 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Cys 12 67 CX TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Cys 12 67 CX TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Val 13 68 N-loop LEU 8 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Val 13 68 N-loop TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Val 13 68 N-loop ASN 30 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Val 13 68 N-loop ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Val 13 68 N-loop ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Val 13 68 N-loop GLN 9 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Val 13 68 N-loop GLN 9 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Lys 14 69 N-loop ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Lys 14 69 N-loop ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Thr 15 70 N-loop ASN 103 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) HBDonor
Arg 22 81 N-loop ASP 85 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) Cationic
Ile 24 83 B1 LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Thr 25 84 B1 LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 25 84 B1 LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) HBAcceptor
Thr 25 84 B1 LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Thr 25 84 B1 VAL 29 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Ser 26 85 B1 VAL 29 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Leu 27 86 B1 LEU 27 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Glu 28 87 B1 GLU 28 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Val 29 88 B1 LEU 68 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Val 29 88 B1 SER 26 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Ile 30 89 B1 SER 26 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Lys 31 90 30s-loop THR 25 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Lys 31 90 30s-loop THR 25 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Lys 31 90 30s-loop ILE 24 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Lys 31 90 30s-loop SER 70 Platelet factor 4 (A) HBDonor
Lys 31 90 30s-loop SER 70 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Lys 31 90 30s-loop LEU 67 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Gly 33 92 30s-loop SER 81 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Pro 37 96 30s-loop PRO 99 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Pro 37 96 30s-loop SER 81 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) HBAcceptor
Pro 37 96 30s-loop SER 81 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Thr 38 97 30s-loop PRO 99 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Thr 38 97 30s-loop TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Thr 38 97 30s-loop TYR 74 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Ala 39 99 30s-loop TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Ala 39 99 30s-loop TYR 74 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Gln 40 100 30s-loop TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Asn 47 112 40s-loop GLY 48 Platelet factor 4 (C) VdWContact
Asn 47 112 40s-loop ASN 47 Platelet factor 4 (C) VdWContact
Arg 49 114 40s-loop LYS 46 Platelet factor 4 (C) HBDonor
Arg 49 114 40s-loop LYS 46 Platelet factor 4 (C) VdWContact
Lys 50 115 B3 LEU 8 Platelet factor 4 (D) Hydrophobic
Lys 50 115 B3 LEU 8 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Cys 52 117 B3 ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) HBDonor
Cys 52 117 B3 ASP 7 Platelet factor 4 (D) VdWContact
Asp 54 119 50s-loop TYR 104 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 100 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 74 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) Hydrophobic
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 104 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 104 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) HBDonor
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 104 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Leu 55 120 50s-loop TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) Hydrophobic
Gln 56 121 50s-loop TYR 116 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Gln 56 121 50s-loop THR 56 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) Hydrophobic
Gln 56 121 50s-loop ASN 57 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Gln 56 121 50s-loop SER 75 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) HBDonor
Gln 56 121 50s-loop SER 75 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) VdWContact
Gln 56 121 50s-loop TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (L) Hydrophobic
Tyr 60 125 Helix ILE 64 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Tyr 60 125 Helix ILE 64 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Tyr 60 125 Helix LEU 68 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Ile 64 129 Helix TYR 60 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Ile 64 129 Helix TYR 60 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact
Leu 67 132 Helix LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix ALA 39 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) VdWContact
Leu 68 133 Helix TYR 60 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix VAL 29 Platelet factor 4 (A) Hydrophobic
Glu 69 134 Helix TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) Hydrophobic
Glu 69 134 Helix TYR 78 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) VdWContact
Glu 69 134 Helix SER 77 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) VdWContact
Ser 70 135 Helix ARG 79 Platelet factor 4 antibody KKO light chain (M) VdWContact
Ser 70 135 Helix LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) HBAcceptor
Ser 70 135 Helix LYS 31 Platelet factor 4 (A) VdWContact

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