Interactions for 4RAU (chain I)

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Chemokine diagram

K A G P H C P T A Q 30s-loop K N G R 40s-loop D L Q A 50s-loopN-term M S S A A G F C A S R P G L L F L G L L L L P L V V A F A S A E A E E D G D L Q C L C V K T T S Q V R P R H N-term I V E L S T I L I A T L L C I K P L Y K K I I K K L L E S
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Interactions found in structure

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Chemokine Residue Generic number Segment Partner Residue Partner Interaction Type
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 95 RTOFab light chain (G) HBAcceptor
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 95 RTOFab light chain (G) Anionic
Asp 7 60 N-term LYS 95 RTOFab light chain (G) VdWContact
Lys 31 90 30s-loop SER 55 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Ala 32 91 30s-loop LEU 103 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Ala 32 91 30s-loop TYR 106 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Ala 32 91 30s-loop TYR 106 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Pro 34 93 30s-loop LEU 96 RTOFab light chain (G) Hydrophobic
Pro 34 93 30s-loop TYR 98 RTOFab light chain (G) Hydrophobic
Pro 34 93 30s-loop TYR 98 RTOFab light chain (G) VdWContact
Pro 34 93 30s-loop TYR 61 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
His 35 94 30s-loop TYR 61 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Pro 37 96 30s-loop TYR 34 RTOFab light chain (G) Hydrophobic
Pro 37 96 30s-loop TYR 34 RTOFab light chain (G) VdWContact
Pro 37 96 30s-loop PHE 93 RTOFab light chain (G) Hydrophobic
Pro 37 96 30s-loop PHE 93 RTOFab light chain (G) VdWContact
Pro 37 96 30s-loop TYR 106 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Thr 38 97 30s-loop TYR 34 RTOFab light chain (G) Hydrophobic
Thr 38 97 30s-loop TYR 34 RTOFab light chain (G) VdWContact
Thr 38 97 30s-loop LEU 104 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Ala 39 99 30s-loop LEU 104 RTOFab heavy chain (H) HBDonor
Ala 39 99 30s-loop LEU 104 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Ala 39 99 30s-loop LEU 103 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Gln 56 121 50s-loop TYR 105 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact
Tyr 60 125 Helix LEU 104 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Ile 63 128 Helix LEU 104 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 67 132 Helix LEU 103 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix TYR 34 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix ALA 30 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Leu 68 133 Helix LEU 103 RTOFab heavy chain (H) Hydrophobic
Glu 69 134 Helix ARG 33 RTOFab heavy chain (H) VdWContact

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