Interactions for 1RTO (chain B)

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Chemokine diagram

S G K C S N P A 30s-loop R K N R 40s-loop N P E K 50s-loopN-term M K V S A A A L A V I L I A T A L C A P A S A S P Y S S D T T P C C F A Y I A R P L P R A H N-term T Y F Y E K I V V F V T A C V Q K W V R E Y I N S L E M S
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Interactions found in structure

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Chemokine Residue Generic number Segment Partner Residue Partner Interaction Type
Ser 4 57 N-term ALA 13 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Ser 5 58 N-term ALA 13 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Ser 5 58 N-term VAL 49 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Ser 5 58 N-term CYS 50 RANTES (A) HBAcceptor
Ser 5 58 N-term CYS 50 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Asp 6 59 N-term CYS 11 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Asp 6 59 N-term GLN 48 RANTES (A) HBDonor
Asp 6 59 N-term GLN 48 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Asp 6 59 N-term CYS 50 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Thr 7 60 N-term CYS 11 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 7 60 N-term CYS 11 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Thr 7 60 N-term GLN 48 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 7 60 N-term VAL 40 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 7 60 N-term VAL 40 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Thr 7 60 N-term PRO 9 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 8 61 N-term PHE 12 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Thr 8 61 N-term THR 8 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Thr 8 61 N-term CYS 10 RANTES (A) HBAcceptor
Thr 8 61 N-term CYS 10 RANTES (A) HBDonor
Thr 8 61 N-term CYS 10 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Pro 9 62 N-term THR 7 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Cys 10 63 CX THR 8 RANTES (A) HBAcceptor
Cys 10 63 CX THR 8 RANTES (A) HBDonor
Cys 10 63 CX THR 8 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Cys 11 67 CX ASP 6 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Cys 11 67 CX THR 7 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Cys 11 67 CX THR 7 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Phe 12 68 N-loop THR 8 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Phe 12 68 N-loop LYS 33 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Phe 12 68 N-loop LYS 33 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Ala 13 69 N-loop SER 4 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Ala 13 69 N-loop SER 5 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Lys 33 94 30s-loop PHE 12 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Lys 33 94 30s-loop PHE 12 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Val 40 102 B2 THR 7 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Val 40 102 B2 THR 7 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Asn 46 113 40s-loop ASN 46 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Gln 48 115 B3 ASP 6 RANTES (A) HBAcceptor
Gln 48 115 B3 ASP 6 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Gln 48 115 B3 THR 7 RANTES (A) Hydrophobic
Val 49 116 B3 SER 5 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Cys 50 117 B3 ASP 6 RANTES (A) VdWContact
Cys 50 117 B3 SER 5 RANTES (A) HBDonor
Cys 50 117 B3 SER 5 RANTES (A) VdWContact

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