Interactions for 3ONA (chain B)

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Chemokine diagram

Q A S C G K R A 30s-loop R Q H R 40s-loop D P K E 50s-loopN-term M A P I S L S W L L R L A T F C H L T V L L A G Q H H G V T K C N I T C S K M T S K I P V A L N-termC-term A A A L T R N G G T F E K Q I G E V K P R T T P A A G G M D E S V V L E P E A T G E S S S L E P T P S S Q E A Q R A L G T S P E L P T G V T G S S G T R L P P T P K A Q D G G P V G T E L F R V P P V S T A A T W Q S S A P H Q P G P S L W A E A K T S E A P S T Q D P S T Q A S T A S S P A P E E N A P S E G Q R V W G Q G Q S P R P E N S L E R E E M G P V P A H T D A F Q D W G P G S M A H V S V V P V S S E G T P S R E P V A S G S W T P K A E E P I H A T M D P Q R L G V L I T P V P D A Q A A T R R Q A V G L L A F L G L L F C L G V A M F T Y Q S L Q G C P R K M A G E M A E G L R Y I P R S C G S N S Y V L V P V C-term N Q Q Y H I L I I L E T A C F L Q W V K D A M Q H L D R Q
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Interactions found in structure

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Chemokine Residue Generic number Segment Partner Residue Partner Interaction Type
Thr 16 71 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBAcceptor
Thr 16 71 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Ser 17 72 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Lys 18 74 N-loop ASP 316 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBAcceptor
Lys 18 74 N-loop ASP 316 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Cationic
Lys 18 74 N-loop ASP 316 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Lys 18 74 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBAcceptor
Lys 18 74 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Ile 19 75 N-loop PRO 313 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Ile 19 75 N-loop ASN 315 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Ile 19 75 N-loop PRO 314 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Ile 19 75 N-loop PRO 314 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Pro 20 76 N-loop ASP 316 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Pro 20 76 N-loop PHE 225 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Pro 20 76 N-loop PRO 314 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Ala 22 81 N-loop PHE 225 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Ala 22 81 N-loop PHE 225 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Ala 22 81 N-loop ILE 209 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 23 82 N-loop TYR 212 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 23 82 N-loop PHE 225 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Leu 23 82 N-loop PRO 314 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Thr 43 105 B2 PRO 314 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Arg 44 106 40s-loop THR 226 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBDonor
Arg 44 106 40s-loop THR 226 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Arg 44 106 40s-loop ASP 167 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBDonor
Arg 44 106 40s-loop ASP 167 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Cationic
Arg 44 106 40s-loop ASP 167 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Arg 44 106 40s-loop PHE 225 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Arg 47 114 40s-loop GLU 169 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) HBDonor
Arg 47 114 40s-loop GLU 169 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Cationic
Arg 47 114 40s-loop GLU 169 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Arg 47 114 40s-loop ASP 310 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Cationic
Arg 47 114 40s-loop ASP 310 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Phe 49 116 B3 PRO 313 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) Hydrophobic
Phe 49 116 B3 PRO 313 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact
Phe 49 116 B3 HIS 311 Tumour necrosis factor receptor (A) VdWContact

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