Interactions for 4ZKB (chain B)

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S S Q C S K P G 30s-loop K R S R 40s-loop D P S E 50s-loopN-term M Q V S T A A L A V L L C T M A L C N Q F S A S L A A D T P T A C C F S Y T S R Q I P Q N F N-termC-term A C-term T E F Y D A I V I F L T A C V Q E W V Q K Y V S D L E L S
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Chemokine Residue Generic number Segment Partner Residue Partner Interaction Type
Ala 9 62 N-term LEU 208 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Ala 9 62 N-term LEU 208 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Cys 10 63 CX VAL 209 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBAcceptor
Cys 10 63 CX VAL 209 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Cys 10 63 CX VAL 209 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Cys 10 63 CX PRO 211 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Cys 10 63 CX PRO 211 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Phe 12 68 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Phe 12 68 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Phe 12 68 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Phe 12 68 N-loop TYR 242 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Phe 12 68 N-loop TYR 242 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Phe 12 68 N-loop VAL 209 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Phe 12 68 N-loop VAL 209 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Ser 13 69 N-loop SER 206 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Ser 13 69 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBAcceptor
Ser 13 69 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Ser 13 69 N-loop LEU 207 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Ser 13 69 N-loop PHE 205 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Ser 13 69 N-loop PHE 205 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Tyr 14 70 N-loop PHE 205 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Thr 15 71 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Thr 15 71 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Ser 16 72 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) HBDonor
Ser 16 72 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Arg 17 73 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) Cationic
Arg 17 73 N-loop ASP 204 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Arg 17 73 N-loop GLU 140 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Arg 17 73 N-loop GLU 142 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Arg 17 73 N-loop LEU 139 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Arg 47 114 40s-loop VAL 86 Chemokine binding protein (A) Hydrophobic
Arg 47 114 40s-loop GLU 67 Chemokine binding protein (A) Cationic
Arg 47 114 40s-loop GLU 67 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact
Cys 50 117 B3 SER 206 Chemokine binding protein (A) VdWContact

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